- 精华知识
- 2023-06-24
- 41
- 1、管他美国意大利,大家认的是红底白字的Supreme
- 2、supreme在哪有实体店?时尚潮人的必备款
- 3、Supreme是哪个国家的品牌
- 4、介绍北京的英语作文
- 5、中国有几家supreme的官方授权店,店的名字叫什么,注意审题?
- 6、杜海涛的supreme lv是高仿吗 看着很low
昨天,三星在北京召开了新品发布会,内容很精彩:发布了首款“挖孔屏”手机三星Galaxy A8s;宣布艺人张艺兴为“三星手机亚洲区品牌代言人”;启动“2019年音乐种子计划”。
对,就是那个红遍莆田和抖音的Supreme。可能你会问,三星与一个服潮牌合作竟然比发布新品还重要?当然不是,只是三星这次合作对象的身份受到了质疑。发布会结束后不久,就有网友指出这次和三星合作的并不是美国的Supreme newyork,而是来自意大利的山寨货Supreme Italia。随后这件事在网络上持续发酵,越来越多的网友跟风起哄。三星相关负责人不得不做出了回应。回应的意思大概是:没错,和我们合作的就是来自意大利的山寨Supreme,那个正统的美国Supreme在中国根本就没有卖的。
对了,发布会上还说了,要在北京三里屯开设7层的Supreme旗舰店。也就是说未来在中国很有可能Supreme专卖店遍地开花,而这些专卖店全部都是Supreme Italia。
我倒认为这也没啥想不通的,我让你看看正统的Supreme newyork的LOGO是啥样的。为了绝对正确,我特意上官网找到的图,结果发现两个品牌的LOGO是一毛一样啊!
所以,与其和一向高冷的Supreme newyork合作,倒不如和亲民淳朴的Supreme Italia情投意合。反正没有品牌情节的中国消费者根本不会去深挖这个Supreme到底是来自美国还是意大利,甚至因为一些关于Supreme的土味短视频,不少人认为是国民品牌。大多数人只要看到那个红底白字的大LOGO,一些人甚至都搞不清究竟是Supreme还是Superme,亦或是Superman,反正瞅着眼熟,别人看见能认出是个牌子货,这就够了。
supreme这个牌子要是还不知道那就是真的out了,不管是它家的box T还是卫衣,都是各路达人的街拍必备款。下面我给大家讲讲supreme在哪有实体店?
New York:274 Lafayette Street、11-7(Mon-Sat)、12-6(Sun),212-966-7799
Supreme New York店铺作为New York地区的第一家Supreme店铺,可是Brooklyn店的老前辈了。Supreme创始人之一James Jebbia也曾在接受采访时坦言,Brooklyn店的开业就是为了缓解New York门店的排队危机。
Los Angeles:439 North Fairfax Ave、11-7(Mon-Sat);12-6(Sun),323-655-6205
Supreme Los Angeles门店坐落于大名鼎鼎的Fairfax,作为全球街头品牌集中地,Rip N Dip、AAPE、Diamond等著名街头品牌都曾在这里开店。如果一个街头品牌想要打响名声,那在Fairfax开店或许是最快捷的方式。若能把店开到Supreme旁,这个牌子绝对了不得。
Paris:20 Rue Barbette、11-7(Mon-Sat);12-6(Sun),+33 1 43 48 80 14
于去年三月份正式开业的Supreme Paris门店,延续了其他门店的现代简约风装修风格,店中Mark Gonzales和Weirdo Dave两位艺术家的作品为其增添了一份艺术气息,绝对是潮人的打卡圣地。
London:2/3 Peter Street、11-7(Mon-Sat);12-6(Sun),+33 207-437-0493
Supreme London店开业于2011年,开业当天除了为粉丝们带去限定英国国旗Box Logo Tee之外,陈冠希、Ghostface Killah、A-Ron等人也都光临现场。
Shibuya:1-18-2 Jinnan、11-8(Mon-Sun),03-5428-4393
日本拥有足足六家Supreme门店,其中东京就有三家。位于涩谷的这家人气最旺,前来朝圣的人也最多。Supreme Shibuya店开业时发售的弹孔Box Logo Tee在炒卖市场中更是一货难求。
Harajuku:4-32-7-2F Jingumae、11-8(Mon-Sun),03-5771-0090
Daikanyama:1-6 Daikanyama-Cho、11-8(Mon-Sun),03-5456-0085
东京的第三家Supreme店铺位于代官山,和前两家店铺相比,这家店的人气要淡一些。如果去东京旅行想逛逛Supreme,又不想挤人山人海,那Supreme Daikanyama门店会是个不错的选择。
Nagoya:3-13-28 Sakae,Naka-Ku、11-8(Mon-Sun),052-261-2858
位于名古屋的Supreme店铺虽然门头不大,里面的面积可不小。去逛时穿上开业时发售的金色Box Logo Tee,绝对赚足回头率。
Osaka:1-9-8 Minamihorie、11-8(Mon-Sun),06-6533-0705
大阪的Supreme门店位于大阪市西区南堀江,附近还有售卖Wtaps、Neighborhood、Bape、Undercover、CdG、White Mountaineering等品牌的店铺。值得一提的是,作为日本美食之都,大阪有众多可以打卡的餐厅,这些就需要你自己查攻略咯~
Fukuoka:1-11-29 Daimyo、11-8(Mon-Sun),092-732-5002
为了响应薯队长的号召,我也来一身运动风搭配。Supreme品牌就不用说了,潮牌,各大明星合作上身,可以说是潮牌里的大牌了,因为新品发布从来都是排队。。。这件经典Box T 是巴黎开店时销量500件,当时排队排了五个多小时,终于买到它,听说现在炒的价格很高了!哈哈哈哈哈暗自高兴,搭配了一顶黑色的毛线帽,随便一搭,就很潮,这就是Supreme魅力所在,我现在都想回家把这件T给裱起来了。
Supreme可谓最具话题性的品牌之一。除了每个季度都有定番的联名产品外,Supreme的产品更时常以社会头条事件,或者政治讽刺为题设计产品。与Supreme常年的紧密合作伙伴可谓多不胜数,每位合作伙伴均是潮流文化当中佼佼者。像是早几年与泷泽伸介(Shinsuke Takizawa)的Neighborhood合作的分支,就轰动了整个潮流文化圈子。与Nike更是亲密的合伙伙伴,其直线每次的产品均造成热销的画面。与Colette的跨界合作亦是造就非一般话题效果。除此之外还有很多很多。Supreme box类的产品可以话是长年热销,无论生产多少亦能够畅销的类别之一。以Supreme的招牌box logo,当中以红底白色的box logo最为抢手。可以说Supreme这个品牌就是整个美国街头文化的缩影。
日本算是亚洲的顶级潮流地,它的A BATHING APE 意为不怀霸气和欲望,安于现状平静地生活的猿人。Bape是本人最喜欢的一个牌子,哈.从头像就能看出来啦,猿人头。它有自己的见解和主张,引领着街头潮流。
NUMBER(N)INE听说是因为木村拓哉穿着此品牌而在日本走红的~ GOODENOUGH 不认识潮牌可以,但认识潮牌就不能不认识藤原浩。
HIXSEPT法国潮牌,1999年由Aurélien Arbet和Jérémie Egry两人创设,2007年开始推出时装系列,以涂鸦艺术融合时装设计闻名时尚界。
介绍北京的英语作文 篇1
As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china。So more and more people want to visit Beijing.
I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold . The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for its beautiful sence and cultural inheritance .
If you want to ha一ve a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place.When you feel tired after one days journey ,you can taste the "Zha Jiang Mian",a kind of traditional food in Beijing.
There are many other things you can do in Beijing,as shopping in the big shopping mall,visit the different kinds park ,visit the"Si He Yuan"and so on.
I hope you can ha一ve a happy time in Beijing.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇2
The Imperial Palace is located in downtown Beijing, formerly known as the forbidden city. In the Ming Dynasty Yongle built eighteen years, is the Ming, Qing two generations of the palace, incomparable masterpiece of ancient architecture, the worlds largest, most complete wooden structure of the ancient building group. The entire the Imperial Palace building from the "future" and" imperial palace " is composed of two parts, surrounded by a wall around. Four from now on. City four corner turret. Four each ha一ving a gate, South is the Meridian Gate, as the front gate of the Imperial Palace. The Imperial Palace is located in downtown Beijing, now into the " Museum of the Imperial Palace". Lived here 24 emperors, is during the two dynasties palace, incomparable masterpiece of ancient architecture, the worlds largest, most complete wooden structure of the ancient building group. Now into the " Museum of the Imperial Palace". Is the worlds largest existing royal garden.
介绍北京的.英语作文 篇3
Beijing is the capital of Peoples Republic of China and the nations centre for politics, economy and culture. It enjoys a long and rich history. There are numerous heritage sites and wonderful examples of ancient architecture, such as the world-famous Great Wall, the Temple of Hea一ven and the Forbidden City.
Besides sightseeing places, there are many delicious food such as Peking ducks and Beijing snacks. Beijing is really a good place to tra一vel.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇4
As the capital of the People‘s Republic of China, Beijing is the nation‘s political, economic, cultural and educational center as well as being the most important center in China for international trade and communications. It has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history. By the time of the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), it was serving as the capital of the Yan Kingdom.
Because of its role in the life and growth of China, there is an unequalled wealth available for travelers to discover as you explore Beijing‘s ancient past and enjoy its exciting 21st Century world. In 20xx when Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, Beijing will show the world something so special that everyone will be awestruck by Beijing‘s latest accomplishments combined with its ancient history.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇5
As a specialty of Beijing cuisine, Beijing roast duck isunique in not only delicious taste, but also richnutritional value. Acclaimed as the “No. 1 Delicacyunder Heaven”,it has won fame both at home andabroad.
It takes about 45 minutes to roast a duck. The roasted duck is characterized by crispyskin and tender meat, which form the biggest reason for its popularity. The most famousbrands among popular roast duck restaurants are Quanjude and Bianyifang, both of whichhave a history of several hundred years.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇6
Last summer vacation,I went on a trip to Beijing.During my trip,I vistied a lot of famous sight-seeings.For instance,I went to the Great Wall on the first day.This really made me tired out.But the scene was indeed wonderful and I had a really good time there.There is a famous saying," he who cannot surmount the Great Wall is not a true man",and I have conqured the Great Wall!Besides,I also went to the Summer Palace which was once where the royal family of ancient China lived.The architecture was so gorgious that I couldn't take my eyes off them.
I took a lot of pictures in all the places and I also talked with foreigners in English.Beijing is a megapolitan city,therefore a lot of foreign visitors went to enjoy their time there.We became friends and I felt so happy there.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇7
On July 5th my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall. collected by
We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look. collected by
The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tian Tan, North Lake and Xiang Hill. I now know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.
Later, I went back with my parents by train. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇8
There will be a speech on our school playground this Saturday afternoon, whose theme is “To civilize schoolyard is my responsibility”. All the teachers and students are required to attend.
In the activity, the first two winners in each grade will give such valuable advice as follows: we should not litter anywhere in order to keep our campus clean; we should love flowers, grass and trees so that everyone can enjoy the greenness; we should behave well instead of running after one another, quarreling and fighting noisily; we should care for others so that our school will be full of love. We believe our school will become more and more beautiful and peaceful.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇9
Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.
There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.
We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇10
In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.
What an interesting picture! A western young man, sitting at a table, is ready to eat a bowl of noodles. He is holding two forks the same way as we Chinese hold chopsticks. He is trying so hard to pick up the noodles that he is sweating a lot. At first glance, I think it’s a bit funny, for we Chinese take for granted that chopsticks are the tools for eating noodles. The man in the picture is trying to copy us. Obviously he is doing it the hard way.
Maybe using one fork will do a better job, In my opinion, we don’t need to copy others’ ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇11
This summer holiday, I visited toBeijingwith my aunt. We visited to many famous places, such as Tian’anMen Square, theImperialPalace, theSummerPalace, the Great Wall and so on. Before that, I just saw them on TV, but this summer holiday they were all in front of my eyes. I was so exciting. Among them, I like theSummerPalacethe most, because it’s so amazing and the sceneryis very beautiful. Besides,Beijingis a modern city. There are many tall buildings. I like this city very much and I hope I can visit there again.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇12
The imperial palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace of the Ming and qing dynasties, which is the largest and most complete ancient architectural complex in China. I especially want to know the architecture of ancient palaces and the living environment of ancient emperors.
One weekend in the golden autumn, the sun is the shining and the autumn wind is crisp. My mother and I went to visit the Palace Museum in the center of the city. I was very happy.
Enter the gate of the Forbidden City, "wow! It's so big here!" I couldn't help it. The mother said, "the most spectacular is still in the back!" We first visited the architectural model of the imperial palace and its construction. I know that the imperial palace covers an area of over 720,000 square meters, with more than 9,000 rooms, all wooden structures, and all the wooden structures have no nails. The palace is the blue and white stone base, the tall roof, the yellow glazed tile, the pattern of the dragon everywhere, and decorated with the brilliant color of the golden wall. I observed all the palaces, and found that the palaces were lined up along the north-south axis, and spread out to the sides, to the north and south, and to the right and left. I told mom, I found mother listen to nod a smile, said: "the central axis not only in the Forbidden City, and nanda YongDingMen, north to the drum tower, almost throughout the whole city. It's magnificent, well-planned and spectacular.
We have been visiting the taihe temple from the imperial garden. What a breathtaking view! In the Forbidden City, the most striking is the "three halls" : the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of harmony, the hall of protection and the temple. They are all built on the 8-meter-high base of the white jade, which looks like the qiong yuyu in the myth. The first hall of supreme harmony was the most magnificent building. People called it the "throne room". It was the place where the emperor held the grand ceremony. It is 28 meters high, 63 meters, 35 meters north and south, and a large pillar with a diameter of 1 meter. Among them, six large pillars, one meter in diameter around the throne, are flat dragon pillars of leached gold. The throne is located at the base of the two meters high in the temple, with the graceful crane and the top of the furnace, followed by a carefully carved screen. The whole hall is decorated with golden walls, which are both majestic and magnificent. The hall of neutralization was the place where the emperor went to the hall of supreme harmony to take a rest and exercise etiquette. Baohe and the temple are the place where the emperor gives banquet to the king of the foreign land every New Year. This is just the palace buildings, and house decoration is numerous, the rarities of the mother said: "these treasures is only part of it, when Chiang kai-shek fled to Taiwan carried away many treasure palace, there are some loss in a foreign country". I feel sorry for the loss of these treasures. When will these lost treasures return to the embrace of the motherland? I am looking forward to the reunion of Taiwan and mainland as soon as possible.
The visit of the Forbidden City made me linger. The Palace Museum is an unparalleled masterpiece. It is a miracle. Our five thousand years of Chinese culture are profound and profound, and we should be proud and proud to have built such a magnificent palace for the ancients. At the same time, we also have the responsibility to protect these cultural relics from destruction, so that the five thousand years of splendid civilization of the motherland will be handed down.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇13
Because the Palace Museum is a place of five thousand years of brilliance and ancient culture, so he has long been a tourist attraction in my heart, and this summer vacation I have finally made a dream come true.
In the Beijing I will ride my father and mother went to the 天安门 square, across 天安门 square, the meridian gate of the world-famous greeted the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of supreme harmony majestic, magnificent, colorful glazed tile, such as a long arranged very neat. Curved corner with a monster, four up the eaves of the cock appear grand hall of supreme harmony, to the hall of supreme harmony, seventy-two large andalusite carved dragon painted chicken shows the architecture of the feudal monarchy. The golden roof reflects the majesty and status of the ancient Chinese emperors. The great hall looked solemn and solemn, but the beauty of the appearance was so monotonous and heavy that I was in vain. I don't know why I feel as if a group of puppets are standing respectfully on either side of the house. Incense sticks up in the incense burner, and the emperor sits high in the temple. The Palace Museum, a symbol of the ancient kingship, has been invaded by a brick and a brick. It is far from the palace of Buckingham Palace.
In the afternoon, we in addition to the front door, look back at taihe light standing in 天安门 square, this magnificent buildings, so the layout of the orderly, so solemn, not amazing, hope this trip to the Forbidden City will become my eternal memory.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇14
Should Yuanmingyuan Be Rebuilt?
Yuanmingyuan, “Garden of all gardens”, was burnt and fell into ruins in 1860. Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not.
Supporters of rebuilding the garden say only by doing so can we see the original sight of the garden, which reflects the Chinese civilization. And it will be another place of interest for tourists. If partly rebuilt, it will provide a comparison and help us remember the history.
Those who disagree think it more reasonable to keep the garden like this. The ruins will remind us of the past. We should never forget the history. Other buildings like Palace Museum and Summer Palace can also be symbols of the Chinese culture, so it isn’t necessary to rebuild this garden. Some also worry that the environment will be destroyed when the construction goes on in this district.
Personally, it is advisable to rebuild Yuanmingyuan , which will add beauty to the city . What’s more , the new scenic spot will no doubt promote the economic development of the local.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇15
On a cold morning,while I was buying breakfast,I saw a girl in front of me buying some bread and milk.When the girl was about to leave,she found there was a poor beggar under the tree.He looked so cold and hungry that the girl wanted to help him. So the girl went close to the beggar and offered her food to him.The beggar thanked her happily and the girl went away with a beautiful smile on her face.
At that moment,I was moved.I felt the touch of something bright and friendly.We should learn from her and help the people in need.
介绍北京的英语作文 篇16
Ms. Li, our English teacher, must have found it strange on Teachers’ Day: she did not receive a single greeting card from us students. She would have never thought a complete surprise was waiting for her.
As Teachers’ Day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. On the afternoon of September 10,some of us decorated our classroom with paper flowers and balloons, and others went to buy cakes, drinks and fruits. The blackboard was decorated with beautiful words, which read “Happy Teachers’ Day!”
Entering the classroom, Ms. Li was surprised to find we were standing in line, clapping hands and saying loudly “Happy Teachers’ Day!” Wang Hua, our monitor, presented her with the prepared flowers. Some of the girls sang songs for Ms. Li, and three boys showed their kung fu talent. Before we left, we enjoyed a new English song by Ms. Li.
Ms. Li spent a wonderful time with us, but we know that we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance.
国内没有一家授权店,只有几家知名的买手店,北京的在三里屯优衣库后边。另外国内有很多模仿或者说山寨的店,名字是Supreme neo以及supreme nyc,这些不过是在国内提前注册了这个名字,并不是授权,注意区分。
店大 较空
杜海涛的supreme lv是高仿吗 看着很low
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